Maternity Leave Checklist

Pregnant woman sitting at office desk

Planning for maternity leave can bring on a wide variety of feelings. Some mothers-to-be feel daunted by the idea of ensuring everything is covered, while others feel that their due date is so far away there’s no need to address anything just yet (even into the third trimester.) And there are expecting moms at every other option along the spectrum in between those two endpoints.

But, creating a maternity leave plan before it’s actually needed is not only great for you—it’s something your coworkers, manager and company will appreciate to no end.

Use this handy checklist to determine what you should include in your maternity leave plan!

Maternity leave checklist

1. Know your rights

From your company to your state, there are a few places to look to see what rights you have during your maternity leave.

2. Let people know you are expecting

Come up with a plan for who you will tell about your pregnancy and how you’ll let them know.

3. Learn from your coworkers' experiences

The best resources will be others that have been in a similar position.

4. Create your maternity leave plan

This can be a physical or electronic document. Just make sure it can be easily shared with others.

Start with:

Then include:

5. Share your maternity leave plan

Your maternity leave plan should be shared with anyone that is taking over your responsibilities while you are out and your manager at a minimum.

6. Be prepared for any surprises

Create an if-I-go-into-labor-at-work document and share it with a few trusted colleagues just to be safe. Include the following information:

7. Set yourself up for a successful return

There's a few things you can do now to help you prepare for your return from maternity leave:

📖 Read more: Check out the How to Plan for Your Maternity Leave guide for more details on planning your maternity leave.

Maternity Leave Checklist by The Mom Project

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