
Why should I fill out my Your Feedback questionnaire on courses and teaching? What is the feedback I give used for?

Filling out the questionnaire is your opportunity to provide feedback on courses and teaching at Western. Instructors and academic leaders take your feedback seriously. It's needed to help identify strengths and opportunities for improving courses, teaching, and degree programs:

These important outcomes can't happen without you, so please contribute to the Western teaching and learning community by giving us your feedback.

But doesn't "online" mean that my responses can be tracked?

You might be worried that your instructor, Chairs, or Deans will be able to track your individual responses, but they can't! The questionnaire response reports contain no identifying student information, and instructors and Deans won't see the compiled ratings and comments until after final grades are submitted. Any reminder e-mails you receive are generated automatically by the Your Feedback system. You can visit the FAQs to find additional information on how Your Feedback protects students' confidentiality.

How Instructors See Response Rates

<a href=How Instructors see Response Rates" />

How Instructors See Response Data