Structural Engineer (SE) Application Instructions

Structural Engineer (SE) applicants must use BPELSG Connect to submit an application for licensure. For BPELSG Connect related questions view the Application and Licensing BPELSG Connect Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

How to submit a Structural Engineer (SE) application in BPELSG Connect:
1) Create a user profile in BPELSG Connect using an email address as your username. Once registered, you will receive an email with a temporary password to log in and create a personalized password. If during the registration process you did not opt out of receiving SMS (text) messages, you will also receive a SMS message alerting you that you have received a new email from BPELSG Connect.
2) Upon confirming registration with a new password, you will be asked if you have a current license/certification with BPELSG (if your license is not already linked within your account). Answer “Yes” and link your California Civil Engineer license; if you do not link your Civil Engineer license at this step, you will be required to use the “Link Existing” button on the dashboard. You will not be able to start your application for licensure until you have linked your Civil Engineer license. Structural Engineer applicants must hold an unexpired, valid California Civil Engineer license prior to submitting a Structural Engineer application.
3) From the dashboard click on “Profile” to enter your preferred address of record or confirm that what is currently shown, is accurate.
4) From the dashboard, click on the “New Application” button to start your application. When prompted, use the dropdown box to choose the application type.
5) When the application loads, application tabs will appear to the left side of the screen. As you progress through the tabs, the tabs will change color based on the status. A green check mark indicates that the tab is complete; a red “X” indicates that the tab has been started but is not complete. You will be required to complete all tabs before you submit the application.

6) After application payment and submittal, you will be returned to your dashboard, where you can view the status of your application. If you click on the application number, you can download and print or save a PDF version of your application for your records. If you pay by credit card or debit card, you will receive a payment confirmation receipt via email. You can also view and print your payment receipt by clicking on the “Profile” link on your dashboard and finding the view/print link under the “Payment Detail” section.

Application Deficiencies:
If your application is determined to be deficient, Board staff will send you an email. An application goes through two reviews by Board staff: evaluator initial review and technical review. A deficiency can be issued during one or both review stages. To correct the deficiency, log in to BPELSG Connect, from your dashboard click on “Resolve Deficiency”, and follow all directions within the email and within BPELSG Connect. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all identified deficiencies are resolved within BPELSG Connect.

You can also check to see if your professional references have filled out Part B of the Work Experience Engagements/References (although you will not be able to see how they responded). From your dashboard click the link under the “Status” column. Next, select the “Reference” tab. If they have not responded in a timely manner, you can resend the references to them by clicking “Resend”.