You are always encouraged to consult an attorney to ensure appropriate consideration of all the legal implications of your choice of entity and filing. We stress that this website is not intended to substitute nor replace the advice of legal counsel.
In order to register a business with the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code, you will first need to determine what type of business entity that you want to register with the State of Utah. We have compiled a list of the 5 most commonly used business organizations.
The Division of Corporations and Commercial Code has created a guide sheet that is a checklist of state agencies that you will need to contact to register with them. We have also compiled a webpage with links to other agencies.
The State of Utah has created a website for all things pertaining to business which may assist you with your business.
Once you have decided which entity type you would like to register with the Division of Corporations, you will need to decide how to register the business with the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code. The quickest way to register your business is by using the OneStop Online Business Registration website .
By using this system you will be able to register your business with the Utah State Tax Commission, the Utah Labor Commission, the Utah Department of Commerce, the Utah Department of Workforce Services and the Utah Department of Environmental Quality all in one place. Once completed, you will receive all of the necessary licenses and account numbers. In addition, you will receive all of the information necessary to go to your local municipality to apply for a business license.
If you wish to register a Doing Business As (DBA) online you can do that by going to this website: Register a Doing Business As (DBA) online .
If you do not wish to use the OneStop Online Business Registration website, the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code has created pdf forms that you may fill out on your web browser and either fax or mail to us, or you may complete the necessary paperwork yourself using the guide sheets. You will find a list of the different business entities that you can register. Each entity will have all the necessary forms and guide sheets. The Division of Corporations and Commercial Code encourages all users to use the online system to register their businesses, however, we realize that not everyone prefers to do that. Please note that the in-house method of filing paperwork may take up to approximately 10 or more business days before the paperwork is processed.